Remember that time on January 28, 2017 when I said I would be posting once or twice a month and then I never did again? Well, here I am! I’m back and as weird as ever and maybe even more so. Now I’ve got the perimenopause mingling with the natural weirdness, so this should be a real treat!
Here’s the 7-year recap: still married, still
writing (slowly but surely), have a full-time job I love (details to come), no longer a homeschooler and it’s really okay, in fact, it’s awesome (I’m sure I’ll talk about that sometime in the near future), still drink iced matcha every day (doy), still reading as much as ever (I’ll never, ever stop).
Still celebrating Star Wars May the 4th with my kids. We’re just coming off that cinematically-heavy weekend. It’s getting more and more challenging to pull it off because my kids (now 18, 16, and 16) all have jobs. And band practice. And homework. And lives. When we started this tradition, they were 9, 7, and 7. And there were only six movies. We do what we can and it’s still such a sweet time together. I am soaking it up because I know I am on, as they say, borrowed time.
We still do grape light sabers, and Tie Fighters we craft from Cheez-Its, orange cheddar, and cream cheese glue. I still whip up Chewbacca and Darth “Malt” milkshakes. My kids still say it’s better than Christmas.
As usual, I took no pictures. As I do.
On Wednesday, my son will be playing in the final band concert of his high school career. The band leader (who to say we are blessed to have is the grossest of understatements) will do a tribute to all the graduating band members, as she does annually, and I am already crying. I haven’t heard a word yet but it’s going to get messy. Everything is constantly in flux and at a faster and faster pace.
(Have I mentioned the perimenopause?)
So, I’m sure you’re asking, what can I expect, Melissa, now that you’re back? A little bit of my family life, definitely a lot of book reviews, some updates on my writing life.
I’ll try to remember to take pics.
I’m making no promises.
It’s really good to be back.