Hello dear readers—I hope this day finds you well! I would've written last week but I was recovering from my first ever book festival at which I was an exhibitor. Yes, it does take me that long to bounce back from such intense ventures outside my home. Introverts can take only so much stimulation.
I kid, of course. I would never consider this to be my day-to-day motto. (I might. Perhaps just the littlest bit.) An aside: there are so many fun introvert memes to be found. Are you an introvert? If so, I'm sure you can relate. If you're not, now you get us!
All kidding (or not) aside, it truly was a phenomenal experience. And I learned so much from the attendees—what they like to read, what they want from a story, what makes a character compelling. It was an immense pleasure to talk about books all day with people who love stories as much as I do. Who swoon over the simple pleasure of holding a new book in their hands. Who get excited over table after table of books, books, books! Even though I lean heavily toward introversion, I am a champion talker. You’d think as an introvert that I would sit quietly avoiding eye contact. But no! I’ll talk to anyone. About anything. For longer periods of time than might be considered normal—or desired—by the other party. I’m complex like that.
You might be relieved to know that I did not wear this shirt to the event. That's not even me.
On top of learning from and enjoying all the people who came down to the festival, my fellow authors were a treasure of knowledge, which they generously shared. From how to engage with attendees, to how to effectively and beautifully display books, to marketing and promotion ideas, I am grateful I was able to learn so much from them and I humbly express my gratitude.
Well, as much fun as I had, I am relieved to be back in my own little home. As I wrote this, I found all these introvert memes on the webs and I could not resist them. I tried but I’m easily amused. (Full disclosure: I really didn’t try all that hard.) And I’m not nearly as weird as they may make me out to be. (Of course not.) At any rate, I took home several books from the festival and now I’m fully prepared for future social engagements.
I wish you all a really wonderful Friday!
Find my novels, THE MOSQUITO HOURS and TALKING UNDERWATER, online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. And don’t forget your local independent bookstore! I’m curious about something: would you like to stay up-to-date on news about my books as well as have my latest blog posts conveniently delivered to your inbox? Then subscribe to my newsletter! Click on that little box right over there on the right. See how easy I made that for you? (You’re welcome.)