no longer on vacation

Damn it.

But it was, as usual, simply wonderful. It’s an exactly perfect vacation: no definite plans, nothing explicit to do, nowhere to go except the beach. Or out for ice cream. So calming and relaxing and peaceful. Kind of exactly counter to my everyday life ... hhhmmmmm. I seriously only now observed this as I was typing it. I should probably give that some thought.

But in the meanwhile, it’s time to unpack. You will not hear me complaining about this at all, because for some reason I really like it. I derive great pleasure from unpacking. And if that’s weird, then I’m weird! (I’m weird. We already know.) The day we return home from vacation and I get to sort, organize and clean up is one of my favorites of the year.

No mystery that this is due to my deep and unending love of being at home. When I’ve been away from it for our 2 week vacation, I walk in and I can really see it: my pretty kitchen counters and the curtains I made from one my grandmother’s old tablecloths and everything that matters to our family arranged intentionally by hand. I love the way my kitchen feels like home. I love the way my kids drift around a bit and then settle in once again, rediscovering. I love knowing that this is our place in this world. I love how it makes me appreciate it even more than before I left it.

And with vacation over, I will get my focus back on novel-writing. Every year I love this shift. I feel energized and renewed. I anticipate the green and heat of summer folding into the color and cool of fall. I’m sitting down at my desk and getting back to work.

I’ve peppered this post with photos I took of our beloved beach town. I hope you enjoy them. Happy Wednesday—it’s good to be back!


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